Link to final sketch and artist statement

I asked this question on the Processing journal (image below) The reply was a link to the same question being answered. (image below) The index.html link in my sketch folder works perfectly in Mozilla Firefox (image below) but not in Safari or Chrome. The solution is...

Final Design

The artwork is called, “Billboard + Twitter”. Using the mouse to hover over the album covers, users see the chart positions of a specific song displayed as a bar chart. The users simply click on the album cover to play or pause the audio sound. Clicking on...

Research, tutorials and more

The Coding Train (2015) 3.1: Introduction to Conditional Statements – p5.js Tutorial (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2017). The Coding Train (2015) 3.3: Else and else if, AND and OR – p5.js...

Changes to Interactivity and Layout of data

This was my 3rd design/ layout of the data. The lines were going past the images, this made the data blend into the background and not stand out. The data also wasn’t interpreted in a clear way because of this. This is my 4th design, by making the data stop...

Project so far

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an api for the music data I wanted, therefore I had to manually get the data from the billboard website. I got over a years worth of data. To make the line graph using the data, I used this formula y = (chart value * 10) x =...

Changes to idea

Went to see my lecturer and was told my idea was too complicated. Therefore I had less than 24hrs to change my idea to something more do-able. I will no longer be making a VR data visualisation piece because the VR doesn’t have an impact on the data or the user....

Idea Development

Whilst creating the demo VR environment for my project I realised that is wasn’t going to work. If I carried on doing it this way, I would have had to create the same layout to represent the different weeks. This would be too labour intensive and the artwork...

Ideas for Design Layout – Research

Dreamforce Video (2015) Using Oculus rift and virtual reality to visualize data on Salesforce. Available at: (Accessed: 18 November 2016). IG UK (2015) Fast execution, on every...

Layout Experimenations

Here I was experimenting with bubbles and pie charts. I wanted to use bubbles to show what the top 5 songs were and their positions in the charts. To do this I wanted to use size to indicate the ranking. I found this ineffective because the smaller the bubbles were,...

Improvements to idea

I looked back on my idea and I realised that it was boring. I wasn’t pushing myself creatively. So here are the changes I’ve made. Presenting more data rather than one month’s worth. I intend to get a year or two worth of data as this will show the change over time a...

Brain Storming and Idea Development

I chose to do Brief 3 because I preferred it over the other two briefs and I was more interested in creating digital art than making a game. I wanted to use data from a current event or something that I was interested in. Idea 1: Police brutality in the USA or the...