We were given 5 words as a starting point for ideas on what to do for this module assignment. The words were, Encounter, Realisation, Boundary, Refuge and Charity.

Initially, when I got this brief I had no idea on what I wanted to do in regards to what the final outcome would be. I originally wanted to make an installation that used lights as its medium but then I realised that I didn’t have a strong concept behind it. I order to help myself develop ideas I got the definitions of each word and wrote what personal experience I had relating to the words.


“1. to come upon or meet with, especially unexpectedly:
2. to meet with or contend against (difficulties, opposition, etc.):” (Dictionary, no date)
Dictionary (no date) ‘The definition of encounter’, in Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/encounter (Accessed: 17 February 2017).


“1. the making or being made real of something imagined, planned, etc.
2. the result of such a process:” (Dictionary, no date)
Dictionary (no date) ‘The definition of realization’, in Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/realization (Accessed: 17 February 2017).


“1. shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
2. a place of shelter, protection, or safety.” (Dictionary, no date)
Dictionary (no date) ‘The definition of refuge’, in Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/refuge (Accessed: 17 February 2017).


“1. something that indicates bounds or limits; a limiting or bounding line.” (Dictionary, no date)

Dictionary (no date) ‘The definition of boundary’, in Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/boundary?s=t (Accessed: 17 February 2017).


“1. generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one’s life to charity.
2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity.” (Dictionary, no date)
Dictionary (no date) ‘The definition of charity’, in Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/charity?s=t (Accessed: 17 February 2017).

The image below shows my experience relating to each word. My favourite experiences/words were Encounter ( meeting new friends at university), Refuge (My home and my family) and Boundary ( Creative Block – which was what I was suffering from at this time. A mental limitation)

Out of all the words, Boundary was my favourite because it represented something that was personal to me giving me more room to express my emotions both happy and sad in a creative way.

I briefly did some research that evolved around the notion of having a creative block. I noticed that all the websites/videos I watched were showing how to overcome it and be happy. Although this was good, I felt that it didn’t help me gain more information about a creative block because they didn’t focus on how the artist would be feeling and the negative thoughts they will be feeling. I felt that the information what was out there was more about overcoming it that the emotions currently being felt and this was something I wanted to highlight and focus on in my project.

I briefly wrote down some words that I was feeling when I was suffering from a creative block.

From these words, I wanted to who the transition from being creative to having a creative block to then overcoming it. This was the foundation of the narrative I wanted to portray in my project. I remember in one of the Multi-platform narratives classes,  we spoke about how Shrek changed over throughout the movie. Something happened in the middle of the movie that changed who he was, therefore he was not the same person he was the beginning of the movie, he was a better version of himself.

For my project, I want the audience to see and understand that experiencing a creative block isn’t nice and is very discouraging for an artist but once it is overcome, the artist will see things differently.

Final Outcome Intention

For this project, I intend to make an abstract 3D animation that focused on the emotions and artist feels when they are experiencing a creative block and when they overcome it. I also want to integrate photography into this but I am not sure how I will do that just yet.

I decide to make a 3D animation being that I have not made one yet, I believe this project will hep better my skills and knowledge in this sector.

To Do List

  1. Artist research – artists who suffered from creative blocks (past and present) and artists who use similar processes and techniques I intend to use for this project
  2. Create mood boards for ways to show emotions through colours, shapes, lines, sounds etc
  3. Write 3 approaches to my idea
  4. Storyboard