You, Me and Zombies is a 3D animation created by Lola depicting sociable and entertaining actions between humans and zombies. In the animation, a man and a woman are happily playing Ping-Pong just before a power cut occurs. When the lights come back on, they are greeted with a number of unexpected guests. The humans and zombies are ready to fight. Then Thriller by Michael Jackson (1984) starts playing and they begin to have a friendly dance off to which they all dance together in unison.
Using Adobe Fuse, Lola created the humans and zombies. She brought them into MotionBuilder and developed the scenes with the story mode. She then used Adobe Premiere to put the scenes together along with the music and the sound effects.
During this project, Lola took inspiration from various sources regarding camera angles, lighting, composition and sound effects. An animation by ISARTDIGITAL called Hungry Zombie (2014) was one of the main influences that targeted all these techniques.
Throughout the video, Lola used various camera movements to give an action-packed and exciting atmosphere. This was intended to keep the audience engaged during the animation. The diverse camera perspectives and the low-key lighting corresponded well with the narrative of the story.
You, Me and Zombies achieved the requirement of the project brief. The interaction between humans and zombies changed in response to the lights. By using a range of technical and visual techniques, Lola created a fun animation, which was what she set out to do.