Project 2 – 3D Animation Project: Zombies

For this assessment, you will create a short interactive animation using Motionbuilder.

Your animation will begin with at least 3 different characters in a room. You may have more than 3, but must have at least a male character, a female character, and one-or-more zombies.

This room will contain a light source and a method of turning the light on-and-off.

Light sources may be lamps, light-fixtures in ceilings, the Sun/Moon, etc. The characters will respond to the light in the following manner:

a) When the animation starts, the characters will be doing one thing.

b) What happens when the light is off is up to you.

c) When the light comes back on, the character will be doing something different to step a.

Possible actions for the characters include: Fighting zombies, fighting each other while zombies watch, kissing each other, hiding, etc.

Your final submission should include the following:

a) A 720p video file compressed as an h.264 encoded mp4 video. This video should be 1-1.5 minutes long (60-90 seconds) including titles.

b) Copies of your final Motionbuilder .fbx file(s)

c) A 250 word artist statement printed on a single sheet of A4 with your name and student number at the top.  Please save this as a PDF file.

d)  An A4 size reflective journal containing the documentation of your project. There is no word length for this journal but it should include scanned images with annotation (explanatory notes), technical experiments, research on other photographers, inspiration from theoretical readings, brain-storming diagrams, etc.