Originally for the dance-off scenes, the zombies and humans were going to stand in a line and dance. I figured that would get boring so I researched dance-offs and found these videos.

RUNDMCVEVO (2009) RUN-DMC, Jason Nevins – it’s like that. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLGWQfK-6DY (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

In this video, there were many dancers so arranging them in a straight line would have been boring, it wouldn’t have shown the interacting between the opposing sides very well.  The composition of the dancers was spaced out and symmetrical this made the dance routine easier to see.

Also, the camera work, moving the camera behind the dancers legs and showing them from different angles was very innovative.

I liked the arrangement of the dancers and the camera movements from this video.   I intend to use them in my video. I feel that these techniques will help make my dance off more interesting and intense while fun.

The composition of the dancers would work best for the zombies because I have more than 2 zombies to move around and arrange how I would like.

I can also get creative with the composition of the characters for the final dance scene.

ScottDW (2015) High school dance battle – geeks vs. Cool kids! (4K). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5KeReQEUe8 (Accessed: 17 May 2016).

From this video, I really liked the camera work. That is what stood out the most. As there were only two dancers, the camera work made their dance routine more entertaining.

For the humans (in my animation), I don’t intend on changing their arrangments because I think that could get confusing and remove the consistency my the video.

I intend to add camera work into my video specifically when the humans are dancing, this will make the animation more compelling.

TheEllenShow (2014) Kevin Hart and Josh Gad dance off. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRXKYNQVc5s (Accessed: 21 May 2016).

The video above is of another dance off, where both opponents dance to the same song.

Regarding the music in my animation. I originally planned that the humans would dance to different songs whereas the zombies would dance to Thriller. From my research of dance-offs, I noticed that the music does not change, both competitors dance to the same song, regardless of their style of dance.

To make the dance-off in my animation more realistic I intend on keeping the song the same throughout. Although, I will have to experiment first to see whether or not the humans dance goes well with the song, Thriller.