In the brief for the CineSpace competition it states –


“Through advancing the state of scientific knowledge of our planet, looking after our health, and providing a space platform that inspires and educates the science and technology leaders of tomorrow, these benefits will drive the legacy of the space station as its research strengthens economies and enhances the quality of life here on Earth for all people. This Special Award is for the submission that best captures and communicates this message.”


NASA Statement

The line bolded stood out to me. I want my video to have a purpose and giving it an educational one is best.

Since I am making an animation, my target audience can be children from age 6-13 years old, wanting to know more about space.

I know on Youtube there is a channel called CrashCourse that makes educational video for youths wanting to know more about various subjects. In their videos, they have little animations of characters giving educational information.

The image on the right shows how they present theses little facts.

What I am stealing

I like the idea of giving small bursts of information, that will be interesting to the younger audience. Because the facts are not a lot it will stay in you youths mind rather than overloading them with information.