For this module, we will be working on 3 projects at the same time.
On 11th February 2016, we were introduced to one of our 3 briefs.

This brief is for a real competition called CineSpace.

Requirements for this project

  • 3 to 5-minute video
  • 1 minute of NASA footage

Below I included some images from my notebook.

During the lesson we picked a card from ‘Art Rules and How To Break Them’
Our homework was to use the art technique from our chosen card and show how they could relate to space.

I chose the ‘Revealed Resemblances’ card, therefore, my task was to look at everyday objects from a different perspective.


During the lesson we picked a card from ‘Art Rules and How To Break Them’
Our homework was to use the art technique from our chosen card and show how they could relate to space.

I chose the ‘Revealed Resemblances’ card therefore my task was to look at everyday objects from a different perspective.
The card gave an example of Romuald Hazoumè’s artwork called, ‘Wax Bandana’ (2009). Hazoumè used a gasoline bladder and put a headscarf on it so that the opening vessel looked like a mouth and the handle was the nose.

WEEK 1 (Homework)

IMAGE 1 – Scrunched up blue and green post-it notes to make earth

IMAGE 2 – A ring of paper around a large marble to make Saturn

IMAGE 3 – One of my old makeup powders to show the surface of Mars

IMAGE 4 – Two lamp shades put together to make a rocket

IMAGE 5 – Made a fake lens hood with a star shaped hole so that the bokeh from my lights will be star shaped.