From my previous post, I changed the layout of the matte painting. I looked at it again and realised that it wasnt realistic because the camera was in the middle of the dome.

Therefore I am changing the matte painting again! I really want the main focus to be the people and the bad living conditions outside the dome. I found this image from Polyvore, unfortunately, I could not find who made it. This image was exactly what I was looking for, it had abandoned cars and broken buildings.

This is one of the experiments I was working on. The red lines represent the vanishing point and where the dome will be. I didn’t continue because this is when I realised it was gong to look unrealistic.

Original image

Polyvore (2016) Post-Apocalyptia. Available at: (Accessed: 5 December 2016).

What I want my final shot to look like.

To the original image I added:

  • the building in the back
  • the dome (which was originally a bubble)
  • bushes and grass were added to the building (although I think I may change the grass on the side of the building, it doesn’t look natural)
  • Finally, a lamp post with a light (if I have time ill try and make the light flicker)

The birds, the fog and the people will all be composited  into my matte painting in Nuke.