What I have so far

  1. An environment that shows my interpretation of pop art and favism through the colour scheme and aesthetic of the terrain
  2. First Person Camera
  3. Colliders on all the houses, trees, and water
  4. NPCs that follow the player when they enter the NPCs boundary collider
  5. NPCs wander around the terrain
  6. End of game script – currently have win

What is left to do

  1. Put more NPCs
  2. Create a Skybox
  3. Make end screen – for lose
  4. Make Start and Play again Screen

The screenshots above show my game and the scripts that have been written so far. Ellie has helped a lot when writing and understanding C#.

The scripts that I have in my game (apart from the First Person Controller and the Third Person Controller) are

  1. A script to make the NPCs wander around after a few seconds – also created waypoints for them to walk to.
  2. A trigger area script so that when the player enters the NPCs boundary collider, then begin to follow the player
  3. A win screen that comes up when the player reached the castle.



I’ve finished both the lose and restart game screen. I also added how-to-play instructions at the begin of the game and a beacon on the castle so that the player will know where to go towards. I found the script below, from the Unity Answers page, this script makes the light (acting as the beacon) flicker.

Answers.unity3d.com. (2017). How to make a light flicker – Unity Answers. [online] Available at: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/34739/how-to-make-a-light-flicker.html [Accessed 25 May 2017].

Lastly, I added a green skybox, this made the environment more futuristic and space like.