This week we learnt to Create our own SouthPark character Image Tracing Importing an Illustrator file into After Effects Making the body of the character, the ‘parent’ ( ...
For my project, I intend to have scenery of space as the background for my animation. To make these backgrounds I want to use photoshop. I’m using this software because it gives me more flexibility in what I can do in terms of different filters and effects I can...
In the brief for the CineSpace competition it states – “Through advancing the state of scientific knowledge of our planet, looking after our health, and providing a space platform that inspires and educates the science and technology leaders of tomorrow,...
Over the past weeks, I was struggling to come up with reasonable and reachable ideas. The main problem I was facing was that I didn’t know where to start, in terms of generating ideas from research. So, when in doubt start from the beginning, literally. I...