Episode is an interactive story game that is available as an app for Apple and Android phone. In the game, players are presented with thousands of animated stories where their choices matter.
Episode also empowers writers to write and animate their own stories for communities.
Interactive, E. (2015) ‘Check out or latest review of dark angels! Http://t.co/EXCF45cEDB #EpisodeLife’, Twitter, 16 April. Available at: https://twitter.com/episode/status/588734105090658305 (Accessed: 12 May 2016).
The image on the left is from the a story from Episode.
The main character is talking in a speech bubble and requires the viewers interacting to make a decision. This is what I want my story to have. I want to go the viewer a sense of power regarding how the story begins and ends.
- Interactive, E. (2013) Narrative portal. Available at: https://www.episodeinteractive.com/ (Accessed: 12 May 2016).